. Money is medium of exchange. it allows us to satisfy our needs and wants.
. Money is a invention of human mind. . . . money is a symbol that represent the value of goods and services .
. Money is the fuel that runs our homes and our economies .
. It has been in circulation in some form or the other since time immemorial.It will be around perhaps for all times to come.
Money is everything but money itself is nothing but still it is everything money is Always Ultimate... S.k.k
Money hee sab kuchh hai par manee khud kuchh nahin hai nahin hai par phir bhee vah sab kuchh hai maneesh olavej alteemet....
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जब आप एप्लीकेशन को डाउनलोड करेंगे तब यह कहेगा कि अनजान एप्लीकेशन है डाउनलोड ना करें और फिर भी आप डाउनलोड कर ले इसके डेवलपर का पता नहीं चला पर ही सिर्फ एप्लीकेशन डिसीसेस एसकेके
This thought right by Keshav bhadauriya